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Heat treatment at Wolf

We offer a range of different processes for heat treating workpieces.

Heat treatment at Wolf

We offer a range of different processes for heat treating workpieces.

Hardening and tempering

Production of a structure with a hardness suitable for the respective application by austenitizing, sufficiently rapid cooling and subsequent tempering at least once in martensitic steels.

Quenching and tempering

Special case of hardening and tempering; production of a structure with a hardness suitable for the respective application by austenitizing, sufficiently rapid cooling and subsequent tempering at higher temperatures in martensitic steels.

Solution annealing

Annealing of austenitic steels, aluminium alloys and other non-ferrous metals to dissolve the components precipitated in solid solutions and achieve a metastable state with subsequent sufficiently rapid cooling.

Precipitation Hardening

Heat treatment of solid solution steels and non-ferrous metals to produce precipitates evenly distributed in the structure after solution annealing to increase strength.


Annealing of mostly low-alloyed, low-carbon steels with subsequent relatively slow cooling to achieve a uniform and fine-grained ferritic-pearlitic structure with balanced and standard-compliant mechanical properties.

Pearlite annealing

Annealing of cast parts after primary forming at temperatures suitable for producing pearlite in order to obtain a ferritic-pearlitic structure with as fine a stripe as possible and good toughness properties. Stress relief annealing usually follows immediately afterwards.

Soft Annealing

Annealing followed by slow cooling to achieve a state that is sufficiently soft and as stress-free as possible for the intended use, especially in order to obtain good machinability.

Stress Relieving

Annealing at a sufficiently high temperature depending on the material in question, followed by slow cooling to reduce residual stresses as far as possible without significantly changing other properties of the structure.

Special Heat Treatments

We also carry out special annealing processes according to your specifications, for example pendulum and long-term annealing, heat treatments with recording and control of the component temperature or special cooling conditions according to your specifications.

WOLF heat treatment

This is what distinguishes our heat treatment:

°C working temperature

The maximum working temperature of our furnace is 1050°C. For short holding times of less than one hour, the working temperature can be increased to approx. 1070°C. There are no restrictions for working temperatures between this temperature and room temperature.

°C/minute cooling rate

We can cool a component with a thickness of 50mm² from 900°C to room temperature at this speed.
Our cooling options:

  • Polymer quenching tank with water quenching characteristics, probably the largest quenching tank in Europe
  • Interrupted Quenching
  • Accelerated air cooling (vertical air flow with max. 400m³/hour, continuously adjustable)
  • Still Air
  • Adjustable slow oven cooling

mm usable space volume

Our system can be used for components with a length and width of up to 7 meters and a height of up to 2 meters. At working temperatures below 700°C, the usable space volume even increases to around 7000 x 7500 x 2050mm!

tons weight

We can heat treat annealing batches with a maximum total weight of 40 tons for you. Unit weights of up to 40 tons are also no insurmountable task for us.

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We look forward hearing from you.

Contact us

Contact details:

Robert Joseph Wolf
GmbH & Co. KG

Dortmunderstrasse 2
57234 Wilnsdorf

Phone: + 49 27 39 / 89 70 -0

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